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Many people use the two terms “web design” and “web development” interchangeably, but they really do have two different meanings. If you’re looking for a new job or someone to build your website, you need to know the difference.

Web Design

Web design is the customer-facing part of the website. A web designer is concerned with how a site looks and how the customers interact with it. Good web designers 

know how to put together the principles of design to create a site that looks great. They also understand about usability and how to create a site that customers want to navigate around in because it’s so easy to do.

Web Development

Web development is the back-end of the website, the programming and interactions on the pages. A web developer focuses on how a site works and how the customers get things done on it. Good web developersknow how to program CGI and scripts likePHP. They understand about how web formswork and can keep a site running effectively.
“mysqli” extension is an improvement over the old “mysql” extension. In fact, the “i” in mysqli stands for “improved”.
mysqli was developed to take advantage of the new features available in MySQL since version 4.1.3. Also, you can use it since PHP 5. So, if you code with PHP5 with a newer version of MySQL, it’s strongly recommended for you to use the extension “mysqli” over “mysql”.

Key benefits of mysqli over mysql extension

  • Object-oriented interface. You can still use the "old procedural" way of calling the mysql extension but the OO version groups the functions by their purpose.
  • Prepared Statements. Those are useful to prevent SQL injections and are executed faster.
  • Multiple Statements. With this "feature", you can execute multiple SQL queries inside only one "mysqli" call. This reduces the round trips between the database server and the PHP server.
  • Support for Transactions. This is really useful to write robust applications. It gives you the ability to write a group of SQL statements that will either be executed or all rolled back (usually if there is an error somewhere in the process).
  • Enhanced debugging capabilities. As an example, you can use "mysqli_debug(...)" to save debugging information into a file.
  • Embedded server support. Since MySQL 4.0, there is a library available that can be used to run a complete MySQL server embedded inside a program, usually a desktop application.
aving in-depth knowledge of programming languages is a must to get a job in IT. The tech industry is constantly evolving and you need to keep up with the development pace to get a decent job. IT Job seekers are always interested in knowing the languages required to start career. Today we have listed ten programming languages that you should learn to get job in IT in 2015.
job, IT job, top programming languages, C#, Java, Javascript, C++, PHP, Python, C, SQL, Ruby, Objective-C.

1. Java: 

Java is the backbone of all systems being built in today’s world. It is a programming language of choice for IoT, enterprise architecture and even cloud computing. The language has been preferred by many IT professionals and leaders for over a decade now. Google and Oracle are in middle of patent battle for Java.

2. C#: 

C# is known as fundamental of all the languages. If you master C#, you can learn server based languages. You can use C# to work on Windows client, server and database applications and much more. Visual C# is most preferred C# code editor. The editor provides user friendly interface for designers and developers.

3. JavaScript: 

JavaScript is widely used for front-end and user interface design of applications that we see today. The language is known as the language of the web. JavaScript is used to add interactivity to web pages. The language supports all major web browsers.

4. PHP: 

PHP is being used for more than 15 years for backend. PHP has been backbone of all popular content management systems like WordPress, Drupal etc. The language was created by Rasmus Lerdord in 1994.

5. C++: 

C++ is go-to language for high volume/frequency trading. The language has been standardized by International Organisation for Standardization (ISO). C++ is a general purpose language. It is the hottest programming language that you must know to crack job in IT.

6. Python: 

Python is object oriented language that is used for web apps. This is an open source programming language that can be used for modifications and reuse. The demand for Python experts has increased to 96.9 per cent in big-data related job positions in last one year.

7. C: 

C is the fundamental programming language. It is father of all the languages. It was created by AT&T Bell Labs by Dennis Ritchie in 1969. C is still being used for machine level operations. C is known as small, fast and powerful programming language for building software for embedded systems. The language can also be used for working with system kernels.

8. SQL: 

SQL is most in demand programming language. It was widely used for relational database management systems. The in-depth knowledge of SQL is must for Data Analysts. Microsoft SQL Server database certification is ranked as the best database certification of 2015.

9. Ruby: 

Ruby has interested learning curve. The language is very easy to learn. It is used for web programming. The language is known for its scalability. Ruby on Rails is widely used web framework for creating websites and web apps.

10. Objective-C: 

Objective C is a superset of C programming language. The language is primarily sued for writing software for OS X and iOS. It is backbone for all the functionality and software for Apple devices. Apple has recently introduced all new Swift programming framework which will give strong competition to Objective-C. 
mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die("connection faild");
mysql_select_db("con") or die ("database not avi");

$id = $_GET['ide'];
$sql = "SELECT * FROM data WHERE id='$id'";
$res = mysql_query($sql);
while($rows = mysql_fetch_array($res))

$name = $rows['name'];
$venue = $rows['venue'];
$date = $rows['date'];

echo $name;
echo "<br>";
echo $venue;

mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die("connection faild");
mysql_select_db("con") or die ("database not avi");

$sql = "DELETE FROM `data` WHERE `date` <= CURDATE()";

$result = mysql_query($sql) or die("Error connecting to database!");


<!DOCTYPE html>

echo "The time is " . date("h:i:sa");


<table width="1051" height="178" border="0">
    <td>Name of the conference</td>

mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die("connection faild");
mysql_select_db("con") or die ("database not avi");
$sql = "SELECT * FROM data  ORDER BY date ASC";
WHILE($rows = mysql_fetch_object($res))

echo "<tr>
<td><a href='detail.php?ide=$rows->id'>$rows->name</a></td>




mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die("connection faild");Connection of the the DB
mysql_select_db("con") or die ("database not avi");Select the Database

$qry = "INSERT INTO data (id,name,venue,date) VALUES (' ','Indai','Delhi','2014-12-10')";

This Query is used to insert the datas in DB

$result = mysql_query($qry);

echo "submitted";

echo "your datas are not submitted Try Afetr Some time!";
echo mysql_error();
